Revolt of the Lamebren: Book 1 of the Super-Dome Chronicles Page 5
Zinnia was listening raptly with eyes widened in horror.
‘That is why no one ever dares to explore the Snarl. It is unsafe and evil,’ Cheska completed. ‘It was a long time ago but still no one has ever forgotten Leo Leroy, neither the lamebren nor the Altklugs.’
‘And that is why it was wrong on Lorde’s part to trick you into opening the door.’ Crispin frowned.
Zinnia digested this bit of news. Leo Leroy...even the name had an allure to it and she decided to read up on him.
‘And who is Commander Hertz?’ she asked.
‘He is Governor Tisya’s right hand, a very influential man and extremely strict. He appears at the Cubicle any time he pleases,’ Iris explained.
‘To inspect if all is in order,’ Camilla added. ‘Our routine is pretty tight. Duties and classes on alternate mornings, and alternate afternoons free for extra-curricular activates. No chance for any disorder.’
‘And he very well knows that we are not a danger to the Altklug world. He should stop worrying about harmless lamebren and concentrate on people like Preceptor Amadeus.’
‘Preceptor Amadeus! The name sounds so familiar.’ Zinnia’s forehead creased in concentration.
‘Oh, he’s a great Thinker and has the oddest of theories, although we don’t understand half of them. We almost attended one of his lectures a while ago. He lives on the other side of the Water Veins, in the Eastern Quarter—you know the tunnel that runs under the huge lake—it is fantastic, has a glass top and you have to take the glass rattler. We are forbidden to take that route unless we are with Altklugs, so we changed plans at the last minute,’ Crispin said.
Zinnia suddenly remembered where she had read about Preceptor Amadeus. The evening before, while she was being driven to the Cubicle, she had spotted the large hoarding of the Thinker.
‘Does he ever visit the Cubicle?’ she asked.
‘Nobody ever visits the Cubicle—I mean the general Altklugs never do. Not even Governor Tisya. Only Commander Hertz does.’
‘Then I wonder who the Officer was who helped me with the Server.’
‘Perhaps someone on appointment to assist the Supercustodian?’
‘He seemed kind of nice.’
‘Uh oh, don’t ever mistake any Altklug to be nice,’ Crispin warned. ‘That word doesn’t exist for them. They don’t have time for such silly emotions. They’re too busy doing their own thing to even notice us, leave alone acting nice.’
‘Oh, but Peeta back at the Ret Cabana was nice,’ Zinnia quipped. ‘I mean really nice.’
‘Then you were lucky,’ Cheska dismissed the idea.
‘Mirella’s nice,’ his twin cut in. ‘She’s our floflute teacher. Very strict but in a nice kind of way.’
‘Yes, I guess Mirella could qualify as one,’ Crispin conceded.
Iris smiled. ‘Mirella’s definitely good to us B15—uh I mean Crispin.’
‘Oh, here’s Bosco now, no chatting,’ Cheska warned.
Zinnia heard the clomp of metal before she saw him. A huge man attired in a type of thin iron armour but with heavy boots, seemed to appear out of nowhere. His face was smooth and creaseless and he had the oddest eyes she had seen. Were they metal? She wondered, puzzled.
‘Lamebirls and lamebroys, no time for talk, just time for work,’ Bosco’s speech was surprisingly soft and staccato.
‘Zinnia, this is Bosco,’ Iris introduced. ‘He’s our Security-cum-handyman.’
‘Hello Bosco.’ Zinnia held out a hand.
‘No physical contact. No talk, only work.’ Bosco nodded with the briefest of smiles and moved away.
Zinnia stared after him puzzled. ‘He’s...strange.’
‘He’s one of the last of the Singularity—the almost human-like machines that overtook the world way back. They are called Humanoids. Some were retained at the Headquarters, Job Galleries and the Piazzars―all put to good use. They are surprisingly gentle and hard-working. Don’t go by Bosco’s outer appearance, he’s programmed like that. Left on his own, he’s the kindest person at the Cubicle,’ Iris assured.
‘The Singularity…I must do some reading.’
‘Right now, we need to work. Like Bosco said—no talk, just work,’ Crispin grinned. ‘And we have the entire eastern side of the lawn to shape up before Rain Hour.’
‘This Super-world of Altklugs is divided into five Super-Domes. The Dome is an energy field which isn’t visible to the eye but which filters and protects the residents from harmful rays and elements present in nature,’ Bamian explained.
The Exector looked so much like Aerobut that Zinnia wondered if they were siblings. The class was filled with twelve lamebirls and lamebroys as Bamian went on to explain the complicated world of the Altklugs.
‘Some of the Altklugs travelled in time and stayed in different eras. They discovered that Earth had seasons―summer, rains and winter. The Altklugs were so clever that they mastered these weather conditions and in turn nature with geo-engineering thus harnessing the weather into a daily schedule. That is why today we have the weather hours―Warm Hours in the morning, Rain Hours in the afternoon and Snow Hours in the evening.’
Bamian’s steady gaze flitted from lamebirl to lamebroy assessing their intelligence.
‘Long, long ago bio-tech advancements conquered aging and human beings began to have long spans of life. This was possible because with new technologies emerging through diligent research, it became possible to grow new arms, new veins—in fact almost all body parts. Our different organs, bones, muscles, all types and colours of hair, and different types of skin could be replaced as new procedures were discovered. Everything except the heart. Stem cells, bio-printing, and genetics replaced aging skin and they strengthened frail bones and muscles, creating new versions of the body,’ explained the tutor.
In class, using a slim pin which displayed his lecture in multi-D, Bamian spoke well and effortlessly. Zinnia listened with keen attention. How fascinating it all was!
‘All was fine until man created the super robots, the human-like Humanoids—machines who could write books, cook, drive spinners and emulate human emotions and consciousness. These machines were so smart that with their super-fast speed and knowledge, they also began creating their own kind. And that is when the problem began and the era of the Singularity took over. Machines overtook human intelligence and began ruling the world. It was a world fraught with super knowledge but also a world of intriguing precision leading to unimaginable fear. It was a do or die situation for the humans. A need arose to think faster and better than the machines and for years the struggle continued, making the Altklugs what they are today―superior and powerful in every way possible. The Rising went on for years until one day the Singularity toppled and the Altklugs built their world around the five Super-Domes. Ours is one of them and we are connected to the other four Super-Domes in very sophisticated ways. The Altklugs did learn one lesson though. They never allowed their knowledge to create competition ever again. No robots, no clones, no more rebels… But the struggle for superiority came with a price. Age was equated with super-knowledge, efficiency and utility and thus began to be controlled. And that in a nutshell is the Altklug Ace-world today.’
Iris raised her hand.
‘Yes? Any questions?’
‘Wasn’t one of the great grandmother’s of Governor Tisya majorly responsible for the rising?’
‘You are correct. She was called Governor Seeya. A charming woman, very courageous and also a visionary. She got involved in the movement as a child and as she grew older, she played a key role in toppling the Singularity. Of course, there have been many other Governors over time, but Governor Seeya will always be remembered and respected for her visionary work. We have a field visit to her Museum scheduled for this afternoon along with the Northside Altklug Knowledge Port. You will get to know more about this great Altklug at the Museum. Needless to say, I expect proper behaviour and strict discipline. No interactions with the Altklugs.
Bosco will meet you at the porch at 1400 hours sharp.’
‘Which leaves us barely 60 minutes to have lunch,’ Crispin whispered, as the morning session ended.
‘Oh but this is exciting isn’t it?’ Zinnia exclaimed as they headed towards the Superkitchen. ‘Governor Seeya...even the name sounds formidable.’
‘Apparently she was very dynamic and different...not at all like Governor Tisya,’ Camilla remarked.
‘But Governor Tisya is a good Governor too,’ her twin pointed out. ‘Look at the way she manages the Super-Dome with an iron hand. It is also because of her and Commander Hertz that there have been no revolts at the Domes.’
‘I am more excited about travelling through the Water Vein. The Super-Dome is divided into four Quarters: North, South, East and West,’ Camilla explained. ‘Through the centre runs the Water Veins in all four directions, under the lake. But in the centre of the lake, above the cross-section of the Water Veins, is a fantastic Island Square, reachable by four beautiful bridges. All major festivals and events take place there.’
‘Wow!’ Zinnia exclaimed.
‘That’s not all. All the four Quarters are known by magnificent Fountains: Fountain of Life in the North Quarter—our quarter, Fountain of Death in the South Quarter, Fountain of Knowledge in the West Quarter and Fountain of Conscience in the East Quarter. And you have to see them to believe their magnificence.’
Zinnia lapped in the information eagerly. The more she heard about the Altklug world, the more curious she became.
‘I saw the Fountain of Life when I arrived at the Cubicle. But I’d love to see the other fountains too,’ she enthused.
Zinnia glanced at Iris, but the older lamebirl did not respond. She was silent and deep in thought barely aware of their conversation. Her head was bent and her attention seemed to be focused on the ground, as they headed towards the Superkitchen. She was sporting a lovely green necklace, which was striking as well as ornamental. Her love for accessories made Zinnia smile.
This time Zinnia was prepared for the Server and managed to pull off her plate in the nick of time. The twins and Crispin smiled appreciatively and Zinnia felt proud of herself. She was learning, slowly and surely, the lamebirl ways in the Altklug world.
The charabanc was long and metallic silver with ‘Fountain of Knowledge’ scrawled in huge letters on all four sides. One side whipped open like a wing to allow the lamebren to step in.
‘Be seated on the left side please,’ Bosco instructed and all the lamebren shifted to the left side of the charabanc. ‘The right side has been reserved for the Northside Altklug Knowledge Port.’
The metallic wing slipped soundlessly into place and the charabanc took off at a breathtaking speed, zipping through the network of interconnected skyways. Zinnia caught her breath, trying not to feel too dizzy. It was as if the charabanc was participating in a race. For that matter, she was constantly aware of the continuous sense of race in the life of the Altklugs. The need to maintain speed, to keep pace with time and knowledge, to keep pace with their super-fast, breathless Ace-world, to keep pace with the six years that were rushing past their age in the single span of a year...
Minutes later, the charabanc smoothed to a halt before a dazzling building. It was the Northside Altklug Knowledge Port. Zinnia craned her neck to see the tall twin spires of the silver-coated towers. She had never seen an Altklug K. Port before and going by the jazzy outer sheen, she could well imagine the high-tech stuff inside.
A number of one-year-old students trooped inside the charabanc. One look at their polished, shiny young faces and crisp white uniforms and Zinnia had no doubt of the vast chasm of knowledge between them. Beside the kids, the lamebren appeared like crude balls of flesh! Iris glanced up and a half smile touched her lips.
‘Good afternoon Preceptor Sven,’ Bosco greeted.
Preceptor Sven nodded briefly. He was of medium height, rather pleasant-looking and an Altklug who actually seemed to possess a smile. He took the seat adjacent to Iris.
‘Rest of the kids, to the right,’ Bosco commanded without ceremony.
Some of the kids frowned at his tone, but some others slipped into their seats.
Preceptor Sven nodded again in acknowledgement at Iris, who turned and gazed out of the window. Her actions did not at all seem to perturb the Preceptor, because his causal smile converted to a look of frank admiration as he stared at Iris. Zinnia almost giggled. Iris was exceedingly beautiful. The green necklace added a touch of glamour to the dull black demi-sleever and lego, highlighting her green eyes. It was no wonder that the Altklug could not take his eyes off her.
The ‘Fountain of Knowledge’ charabanc zipped forward into the maze of bridges again. Although not a whisper escaped a single child inside the vehicle, the atmosphere was like a tight string. Only Bosco’s occasional booming instructions punctuated the strained silence. While the Preceptor sat next to Iris and continued to stare boldly at her.
It was when the charabanc entered the Water Vein that Zinnia gasped. It was the most amazing sight of her life. The tunnel was long with a circular, transparent roof which displayed the blue and green stripes of the lake overhead, highlighted by long lines of multi-coloured illuminations. On a parallel track ran a see-through rattler, the heads of the Altklugs flashing by like a moving pic-chip. Zinnia couldn’t take her eyes off the glistening lake, the seeping rays of the sun forming elegant, fragile patterns in the water. She noticed that all the lamebren were staring in awe at the magnificent scene overhead.
Five minutes later, the charabanc emerged from the Water Vein and slowed down. ‘The Fountain of Knowledge’ a voice informed in the charabanc. Zinnia and the twins craned their necks to see the glorious fountain, the symbol of the Eastern Quarter of the Super-Dome. A jazzy lumino sign flashed the name of the fountain. Colourful jets of water sprinkled and moulded in the shape of the letter ‘K’ with the central jet shooting high up in the air. The blend of colour, shimmering water and white stone was graceful and ethereal, and muted whispers of awe passed between the lamebren. The Altklug kids however, stared straight ahead, barely glancing at the fountain.
The charabanc picked up speed again but within minutes jerked to a halt outside a magnificent, translucent blue mansion with a huge cupola. Zinnia stared in fascination at the intricately carved blue roof, like delicate, gilded veins forming intricate designs just under the surface. The celebrated Museum of the Altklugs!
The line was long. Altklugs in spotless white uniforms patrolled around the Museum, slim guns in their hands. Zinnia wondered at the security. Was it because the Museum housed some of the most precious artefacts of their long-gone leader Governor Seeya?
The Altklug kids took the queue first, followed by the lamebren. Iris stood at the head of the lamebren queue and in front of her stood Preceptor Sven, at the tail end of his queue. Zinnia was amused at the way his gaze travelled all round the dome, to ultimately rest on Iris’s face. He seemed quite smitten by the beautiful Iris, who on the other hand, completely ignored the Altklug.
‘Follow me!’ Bosco commanded again and the line trooped past the huge blue Demarcators and entered the grand hall. ‘From this point, you are permitted to move around on your own. Do not touch anything. Do not chat with the Altklugs. Take a look around, but be back in precisely twenty minutes.’
Zinnia found the Dome Museum so completely captivating that she forgot about everything else. Right in the centre of the hall stood a tall and statuesque sculpture of Governor Seeya. A turquoise blue gown was draped around the smooth body and a halo of blue and silver light beamed onto her. She was so unbelievably life-like that Zinnia felt that any moment the Leader would turn around and speak to her.
‘Isn’t she beautiful?’ Camilla exclaimed, her voice filled with awe.
‘Stunning,’ Zinnia agreed.
Her steps automatically moved closer to the statue and for a few startling moments, Zinnia stared. An uncanny frisson ran down her spine, almost like a current, looping a
round her body, through her head and probed her brain as she grappled to cling to the shreds of reality. Governor Seeya was gazing straight into her eyes, combing deep through her thoughts, and filling her with a burning desire...
A sudden commotion broke out at the end of the hall and the bond of attraction snapped. Zinnia blinked, experiencing an insane reluctance to let go of the trance.
‘Come on, let’s see what’s happened,’ Cheska took Zinnia’s hand.
Zinnia followed the twins, as they pushed their way through the groups and stopped short. A strange sight met Zinnia’s eyes. Iris was standing beside a huge concave in the centre of the hall. It displayed Governor Seeya’s kitchenware and was cordoned off from all sides by a slim metallic blue wire. But it wasn’t the pots and pans that caught Zinnia’s attention. It was the way Bosco was holding off Preceptor Sven and an Altklug. The twins and Zinnia ran to Iris.
‘What happened!’ Zinnia asked.
Iris shook her head, looking pale and upset. Ivy, Maisie, Cylia and Azalea stood confused. Reed, Crispin and Berk were picking up green beads from the floor. Iris’s necklace! Zinnia realised with a start.
‘Now Preceptor Sven, you know the rule, no interacting with the lamebren. Not even teachers. As for you Josh, you should never have pushed the lamebroy!’ Bosco’s voice was calm and controlled.
Preceptor Sven’s intelligent, shiny face was set in a frown. He stared at Iris, who avoided looking at him.